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 About Us


About Home Automation

 We believe home automation will quickly become the norm in America and throughout much of the globe. We encourage you to consider the control a smart home provides its owner. When you’re not home, nagging little doubts can start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off? Did I set the security alarm? Are the kids doing their homework?

With a smart home, you can quiet all these worries with a quick glance at your smartphone or tablet. You can connect the devices and appliances in your home so they can communicate with each other and you.

Thanks to the work done by the incredible team at Intelli Smart Homes, any device in your home that uses electricity can be put on your home network and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control, tablet, or smartphone, the home reacts. Most applications relate to lighting, home security, energy management, and thermostat regulation. Now that is a truly connected home.

Intelli Smart Homes is here to ensure that you meet all your future home goals!


Abe Issa Customer Reviews CEO

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